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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

The Gottman Method is a type of couples therapy developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman. Interventions used in the Gottman Method are based on hundreds of empirical, research based studies with over 3000 couples. The Gottman Method is grounded in the Sound Relationship House theory, which specifies nine elements of a healthy relationship.

The Gottman Method is designed to address conflict within the communication of the couple, increase overall intimacy, respect, and affection for one another. Treatment works to identify and remove the barriers that have been created over time or from early childhood that create barriers to developing empathy and understanding within the relationship.

Our therapists have direct training from the Gottman institute to provide evidenced based treatment. As the purpose of this treatment is to improve the communication and the overall relationship, insurance does not cover Gottman couples counseling. Self pay is available only. Reduced rates are available if working with a trained resident vs a fully licensed clinician.

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Are You and Your Partner Ready to Start Couples Therapy?

What to expect:

Couples who enter into Gottman Method Couples Therapy begin with an assessment process that then informs the therapeutic framework and intervention:

Assessment: A conjoint session, followed by individual interviews with each partner are conducted. Couples complete online questionnaires and then receive detailed feedback on their relationship.

There is a $39 fee for registration to Gottman Connect

Therapeutic Framework: The couple and therapist decide on the frequency and duration of the sessions.

Therapeutic Interventions: Interventions are designed to help couples strengthen their relationships in three primary areas: friendship, conflict management, and creation of shared meaning.


Couples therapy is not advisable under the following conditions

Active drug and/or alcohol addiction on the part of either or both partners

Serious violence and/or domestic abuse within the relationship or threats by one or both partners that violence may occur

If there is an undisclosed, current or past affair that you are not willing to disclose

Words of wisdom from The Gottman Institute

Vocalize the characteristics that you appreciate and love about you partner, big and small, to grow affection and respect in your relationship

Creating shared meaning means building and understanding your inner world as a couple

When you’re in pain, the world stops and now I listen

Turning towards is about the everyday efforts you make in a relationship to reach out to your partner and accept bids for emotional connection.

Vocalize the characteristics that you appreciate and love about you partner, big and small, to grow affection and respect in your relationship

Creating shared meaning means building and understanding your inner world as a couple

When you’re in pain, the world stops and now I listen

Turning towards is about the everyday efforts you make in a relationship to reach out to your partner and accept bids for emotional connection.

For information on Couples Therapy pricing, please visit our For Patients page.

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Take the Next Step

At Beach Therapy & Consulting, our therapists are trained to assess your treatment needs and create your own individualized treatment plan to expedite your healing from whatever mental health issue is giving you difficulty.

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